You make a living making sure that the people you manage perform the way they are supposed to, when they are supposed to. When deciding which company you want to protect your income against unexpected illness or accident, Guardian's1 Provider Choice disability insurance for managers is the one policy that will pay more benefits, pay them sooner, and longer than the competition. In other words, it is going to perform the way it is supposed to when you need it the most.
Provider Choice Recommendation
There are three options for this product, but we recommend the "Select" option for most of the managers that choose to work with us. If you use the instant disability insurance calculator on this page, it will offer you a price based on the Select option.
Supplementing Coverage at Work
Many employers will provide long-term disability to you through the company at no cost. Typically it covers 60% of base earnings (no commissions or bonus income) and has a monthly maximum benefit of $5,000 or $10,000 a month. People with lower incomes are going to have close to 60% of their annual income covered, people with higher incomes are subject to some reverse discrimination. Since the maximum benefit is usually $5,000 a month, anybody making over $100,000 a year isn't going to have 60% of their income replaced. The higher your income is, the lower the percentage income replacement is going to be. The really bad news is that you have to pay taxes on this benefit during a claim, so the actual net amount is much lower than 60% for everybody.
The Solution
You can buy a smaller supplemental disability insurance policy, that will give you the following benefits;
- Make up the money lost to paying taxes on your Group LTD
- Provide benefits above the $5,000 monthly benefit cap (up to $30,000 pr/month more)
- This policy is portable, take it with you when you leave the employer.
- This is generally better policy than your Group LTD (pays earlier, more benefits, and longer)