Do You Believe "If I Can Think & Type, Then I Can Work"?

Unfortunately, this is a dangerous reality for many people in the IT industry when considering buying disability insurance. It could not be further from the truth, but the human brain is good at justifying our decisions. The reality is that roughly 90% of all disabilities are illness-related, and an accident1 causes 10%. Cancer does not care what you do for a living. Neither does heart disease, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, lupus, or any other illness that can prevent you from bringing home an income.

Could you do some items from home while dealing with an illness? Sure, you can, and hopefully, an illness will not completely hinder your ability to do so. With a high-quality disability insurance policy, you have all the options available. You would not be forced to work at the worst possible time to put food on the table. Your policy gives you all the options and allows you to focus on your health during an unexpected illness or accident. In reality, an illness does not care what you do for a living. It is going to cause you to be disabled the same way it would a physician or plumber.

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Best Way To Get A Discount

Guardian offers a "Professional Group Discount" that saves you 10% every year on the cost of your disability income insurance policy. If you work at a company that may have two or more additional people interested in obtaining coverage for themselves, we may be able to save the group members 10% if three or more policies are issued. This is not available to any 1099 employees at the company, but any W-2 employee would be eligible for this discount.

Serious Illness Supplement Benefit Endorsement

This endorsement is included in the Guardian's Provider Choice policy at no additional cost. If your disability is the result of cancer, stroke, or a heart attack, Guardian will pay you an additional 50% of your monthly benefit above and beyond your regular monthly benefit for up to 12 months over the life of your policy. Since most claims are illness-related, this is a benefit Guardian has over our competitors for most claims situations. 

Supplemental Benefit Term Rider

Clients often select this rider in their 30s; it Is a way to add up to an additional $2,000 a month of coverage for up to 15 years. Early in your career, you may be burdened with higher levels of debt and a lower income stream, creating a period of high risk. This term-based option will help protect that area of exposure by providing an additional benefit during a period of total disability on top of the benefit you would normally receive from your base policy. This option provides extra protection to help with unexpected expenses, paying down debt, and saving for retirement.

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