Reverse Discrimination for Highly Compensated Executives
There are four major problems for every highly compensated executive when it comes to the group disability insurance (Group LTD) they rely on to protect their income.
- The monthly benefit is capped (usually $10,000 per month)
- If the employer pays for the benefit, benefits are received taxable at the claim.
- Bonus, Commissions, and Incentive Compensation may not be included.
- If you leave your job, you lose your coverage
How To Make Up The Difference with Supplemental Disability Insurance
The higher your overall income is, the worse the reverse discrimination is going to be for you. If you make $150,000 a year, and your Group LTD has a maximum of $5,000 pr/month, you are only going to collect $5,000 a month during your claim. You are also going to have to pay taxes on that $5,000 per month! If you make $500,000 a year, you are still only going to collect 5 or 10,000 per month during a claim. So the higher your income is, the lower your percentage replacement of income during a claim is. Nobody making $500,000 a year is getting anywhere near the 60% income replacement you may have thought you have in your Group LTD plan at work.
Guardian offers you the ability to purchase a personally owned supplemental disability insurance policy to help increase your overall percentage income replacement during a sickness or injury. Depending on your income, you could get up to an additional $30,000 a month in protection (in addition to benefits received from the Group LTD).