Our agency has been in existence since August of 1997 and is currently one of the largest disability insurance agencies for The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America nationwide. Unlike most firms, we have a specialized niche focused on individual disability insurance. Thousands of consumers and insurance agents rely on us to help them secure the best possible coverage for themselves or their clients.

Our Agency Divisions

In force disability insurance premium pie graphGuardian Brokerage Sales

We work with insurance agents across the country helping them sell Guardian disability insurance products to their clients. We run illustrations, aid in the sales process, underwrite applications, and even help with growing in-force blocks for many of the very largest DI agents in the country. The DisabilityQuotes.com platform is not owned by Guardian, we built this specifically to help our brokers grow their individual disability insurance business. We have automated everything we possibly can so that the agents who work with us have more time focused on sales, and we take care of everything else.

In a time where most of the competition is fairly close, it is our systems that set us apart from everybody else. Our specialty is growing the DI profit center for every agent who works with us, and we have unique systems nobody else has to do it. There is a reason so many of the nation's top disability insurance producers want to work with our agency, our systems are not available anywhere else.

Direct Sales to Consumers

We are licensed to sell disability insurance in every state and have clients in each and every one of them. Our direct-to-consumer sales division has been selling personal disability income insurance online since 1999. We have offered quotes to hundreds of thousands of white-collar professionals since we opened our website, and now everybody can get their own quote instantly from us with no agent involvement. Our agents are not call-center employees, each and every one of them is a member of the "Inner-Circle" and Guardian's "Circle of Excellence" for lifetime achievement in disability insurance sales.

You can buy this product from just about anybody, but when you are a client of ours you are working with somebody who truly specializes in one specific area. We know how to get every discount available, how to negotiate the tougher medical histories with underwriting and have personal relationships with the company executives. If you are buying DI to protect your income, we think you would want us in your corner.

* Data as of August 2022

2022-140682 Exp: 7/26/24